Volunteers are some of the greatest people in the world, because they are doing something out of the overflow and generosity of their heart. They are following the call of Christ on their lives, pursuing the direction and meaning God wants to bring to their life. They want to be used by God in ways they nor I have ever imagined. I have a major flaw in this area, not becasue I don't appreciate them, but becaseu I try and do everything. I have always thought, "I am the youth pastor and this is what they pay me for." But what I realized is I can't do it all by myself. God uses the people who step into volunteer positions to take the ministry to the next level. I have to be willing to turn things over to them. I get the opportuinty to empower them, partner with them, help them develop their gifts, to cheer them on, all the while watching them in the excitement of the moment when they realize God has used them to touch the life of another individual. What I have learned is that I love our volunteers and sometimes the one you love the most are also the ones you take for granted. So hear me on this one. VOLUNTEERS ROCK! I love our volunteers.
Intimacy with God is another characteristic that every biblical leader needs. Time alone with God should be our most precious comodity but often times it is what gets pushed aside in the name of ministry. You can be doing all kinds of good things for God, but be missing out on the best thing for you and your inner self. God isn't concerned with success as we define it, but he is concerned with my life and your life. He wants us to be more Christ-like, to be the light to a dark world, to bring hope to the hopeless and to speak from the overflow of our hearts. We can't do any of this apart from God.
Why is intimacy so hard? Intimacy reveals my deepest darkest secrets, my flaws and issues I want no one else to know. Intimacy allows someone to see me for who I really am. The closer I get to Christ, the more I realize how much I need Him. Without Him I will struggle through life. Intimacy with God is vital for any and all leaders.
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