Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cars Theology

TOnight we were putting Ethan to bed and he started asking questions like: Why is Jesus God's son? and What did Jesus die? This brought us to an interesting point of trying to explain what sin is and how we relate with God.

I began to explain to Ethan that Jesus was God's son and that He was sent to this world to die for our sins. I then told him that everyone sins, including Daddy and Mommy and he then had trhe question of all questions. "Daddy, does Lightning McQueen sin?" "Yes he does," I said. "What about Mater?" Again I said "Yes." How about King and guido and..." "Yes Ethan, everyone has sinned." To which he replied, Oh!, Ok Daddy. Gopdnight."

Awesome conversation. I love talking to Ethan and trying to answer his questions as he thinks of them. Believe me some of them are off the wall.

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