Monday, April 26, 2010

Great blog post

I read this blog post thsi afternoon. This guy is the Executive pastor at my parents church Element Church in Cheyenne, Wyoming. I thought I would share it with you all.

Last night the kids sat down at the table waiting for dinner, but they had neglected to do their part and set the table. So, the table was completely empty except for the meal that Julie had brought out. One of the kids finally asked Julie, “aren’t you going to feed us?” Julie’s answer was great: ” You are mature enough to feed yourself and to prepare the table for dinner. If you neglect to prepare the table for dinner, you will not be fed. So, get off your butt and set the table so you can eat”
Wow, and she was not even in church on Sunday to hear the message (You can blame Pastor Derek for making her work e:kidz and the Denver museum for having a free admission day).
How often do we come to church expecting to be fed by the pastor, but we have neglected to set the table throughout the week? Pastor Jeff will bring the food to the table, but we must be ready to eat.
How do you set the table for Sunday and prepare for the meal? I am glad you asked. Here are some steps to take so that you can be ready to eat:
  • Pray everyday and ask God for His guidance and direction in your life.
  • Have a daily devotional time that is spent studying and meditating on God’s Word.
  • Make quiet time a priority in your life and use this time to listen to God.
  • Meet together with other believers throughout the week and discuss what God is doing in your life.
  • Come to church ready to worship the Lord of the universe.
  • Bring your Bible and take notes so you can do further in-depth study during the week.
  • Participate in the full worship experience on Sunday. Do not wait in the lobby until the music is done, or leave before offering is taken.
I believe that taking these steps will prepare you for the meal on Sunday. So, in the words of one of the great thinkers, wife and mom or our generation: “Get off your butt and set the table so you can eat.”

Recap of Sunday

Yesterday was a great day, and I thoroughly enjoy preaching when Kevin is gone. We started a new series called "Family Portraits." We are going to be focusing on the family and their relationship to the church. The sermon yesterday was out of Judges 2:6-12 and was called Shift. We need to Shift our mindset about the younger generations and our responsibility to them. Here are some of the main points and thoughts:

A strategic partnership is needed between parents and the church in order to provide an environment of true Biblical discipleship and spiritual development.

Four Keys to an effective Shift:

1. Obedience leads to experiencing God's blessing.

  • Parents are called to live out the Shema (Deut 6:4-9) within their lives and to lead by example.
  • Joshua was a great example of obedience. He even drew a line in the sand telling the people of Israel to chose who they were going to serve, but he and his house were going to serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:14-15)
  • God desires obedience more than sacrifice. (I Sam 15:22)

2. Godly Influence is vital (v.7)

  • The goal is not to be perfect, but faithful.
  • While Joshua was leading Israel they followed the Lord, but after Joshua and his elders died the generation after that did forsook the Lord.

3. Past influence and success does not guarantee future obedience and prosperity (v. 10)

  • The past is a monument to be remembered not an anchor to weigh you down.
  • Families relied upon the priests to teach their children rather than taking responsibility. Sound Familiar? I think so. Huh? Church today?
  • Church is a partner, but not primary.

4. Lack of Influence leads to compromise (v.11-13)

  • Inconsistent godly instruction leads to ineffective parenting, an increase in doubt, and apathy in your spiritual life.
  • You can ride the bench as long as you want.
  • Apathy breeds apathy.
  • The next generation needs to be challenged to engage in their own mission of pursuing Christ and His Kingdom.

What a great day. I hope and pray for the next generation as they come to understand Christ and the role they play in his Kingdom. I leave you with a scripture from Proverbs "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."