Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Reflection

Just a little thought on how things went this morning. It looked like we had quite a few visitors in our second service. What an awesome time to be at Springhill and watch God continue to work in the lives of each person who attends. I truly believe that God is up to something great. We haven't even begun to see all He is going to do, I believe we have just begun to scratch the surface.

Today may have been a little controversial for some, because Scripture today pointed out that the church is to be the change agent in a society that sees the world as nothing but a bunch of hypocrites going into a building, and causing grief. I addressed some key areas Christians have begun to place their faith in, mainly politics. Political systems and government were never God's method to make His wisdom known. Take a look at Eph 3:10-11 and you begin to understand the truth that the church has always been God plans to make Christ known. There is no other option.

May we as a church continue to pursue the truth of the Gospel on a daily basis, and live out what we say we believe. The world doesn't need more hypocrites, the world needs the light of Christ to be displayed for all to see.

Making Him Known,


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