Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The power of the Invite

I hope and pray you're having a good week at school so far. Today we want you to focus on a friend you can invite to WNT. This is an opportunity to plant a seed, and get them connected to the church. I want to encourage you to do all you can to get them to come. Offer to pick them up, buy them dinner. We want to be very intentional about inviting others to be a part of Springhill.

You may be asking yourself, why? Jesus called us to be the light of the world, and to be witnesses for Him. But I want to go a little farther. What I want you to think about is this. If we claim to believe Jesus is the only way, or we say that Jesus loves the world, or that He died for the sins of the world, then why don't we actually live it out. A great statement I read recently was this: “If you REALLY believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ then why in the world would you show up at church every single Sunday without a carload of people who need Him?”

The power of the invite can be amazing. Investing and inviting others is what Jesus was all about. When a friend heard the truth and saw the truth of Jesus they could stay silent and they couldn't help but invite someone else to see and hear the truth.

Jesus said in Luke 19:10 that He came to "seek & save that which was lost!”

If Jesus was passionate enough to die on the cross for the lost , and that was His whole purpose in coming …and if Jesus lives in our hearts…then that HAS TO BE IN OUR HEARTS AS WELL!!

We CANNOT claim to be followers of Jesus and NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT HE CARES ABOUT!!!

Jesus said "follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

Get on board with the reality of who Christ is and His heart beat and passion. Watch God work in ways that are completely amazing.

Go for the ask! Invite someone to church.

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