Friday, August 15, 2008

5 Reasons why I am excited about this upcoming year

Each day this week I am going to talk about some great things coming up this year. Things that I believe will transform our lives personally, and will transform the student ministry here at Springhill.

Revolution! What comes to mind when you read that word? American Revolutionary War? A change in the status quo? maybe something else? I don;t know, but what comes to mind when I see Revolution is change. That's what I want to see, that's what I have been praying for and that is what God wants to do in and through each one of our lives.

Over the past three years, I have seen God revolutionize the lives of each of our students, and that's AWESOME! But that is just the half of it. We must begin to influence others is a positive light and let them see Christ in everything we do. God is calling each one of us to be the change the revolution. This means living Christ out on a daily basis. That is the only way you are going to impact your friends and peers on your school campus.

God has so much He wants to do in and through each of us, and I believe we are just beginning to scatch the surface on the impact he wants to make in and through Springhill. I have prayed that we would be such an impact on the community surrounding us that people would begin to ask what's going on over there? Rememeber that we are to reflect or show the greatness of God and who He is. Magnify Him aqnd the revolution begins.

I don;t know about you, but I am excited about the revolution.

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