Friday, June 5, 2009

John 17

We are continuing through John in our daily reading and wanted to encourage you to be consisten. It is easy to get distracted and stop reading, but remember that God's word comes to life the more you read it, and God will speak to you through it.

Have you ever noticed how selfless Jesus was. He came down to do the Father's will (John 17:1-5), he healed many, didn't come to please people but to bring about the Kingdom of Heaven and then continuing in John 17 prays for his disciples and for all believers. Notice verse 8-9, where Jesus wants to pray for his disciples because of their acceptance of Christ's teachings. That is a key. In other words, because of their obedience to Christ and his teaching, following what He said and doing what hHe did Jesus is specifically praying for them. He isn't praying for the world, but specifically for His disciples.

Second, look at what He prays for. Have you ever been in the situation where you disagree with someone, you don't think their viewpoint or opinion is right? Lots of us have, but Jesus prays that we may be one. United together as one body for one purpose. You see when we bring glory to God through our words and actions everyone benefits. The body of Christ is an unstoppable force. However, when we allow our selfish motives and conceitedd thoughts to control us we bring disunity and conflict to the body.

I want to encourage you to think about obedience today at some point. Get away from the chaos of whatever you are doing and ask yourself if you have been obedient lately. Are you following God's leading and his word. Second ask yourself if you are striving for unity within the body or conflict. If you are trying to build unity you will create conflict.

I love you guys. Hope you have a great weekend. Sarah and I are going up into the mountains of Wyoming today and tomorrow and I am looking forward to spending some time with God refelcting and seeking his leadership. What a great place to do that, no TV, radio, or other distractions that get in the way. Just me, my family and some time in God's creation.

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