Monday, June 8, 2009

If only for the One...

Yesterday I went to church with my parents, since we are in town visiting them before the youth forum. Jeff Manness, the pastor at Element Church spoke on God being determined. The question he asked was What is God determined to do? As he preached from Luke 19:1-10, the story of Zaccheus, he made the point that God is determined to change our city. How true is this? It is God's heart, passion and desire to change the people within the city and because he changes them, he will change the city.

God is determined to change our city one life at a time. First, Here is what we see in Luke 19. God going to the extreme to talk to and visit with Zaccheus, just one person. There are those who are going to mutter, question or gossip about us when we relate with, or invite ourselves into the presence of sinners. Always remember that Hessu came to "Seek and save what was lost." as Christians, when we are determined to follow God and change the city we will face opposition. Just as Jesus did. Second, Jeff brought up this question and I totally agree. "If only one..?" If through everything we do one life is changed then it was all worth it. All the gossip, pain and murmuring do nothing, but when God changes one persons life it was worth every bit. There will always be those who have negative comments especially if you are successful at reaching people and they are satisfied sitting in a pew.

and it starts with me. You see, I can't change the city, but when God changes me the city changes for the better. I think God isn't satisified with just one. God continues to move and work and shows Himself to people and he isn't going to stop. We can celebrate victories but must not become complacent or satisfied with one. God has so much more in store. There are thousands of people around our church and if we reached every one of them we wouldn't have enough churches to hold them.

Think of that. Not enough room to hold the people we are reaching? That sounds an awful lot like the NT church. Check it out in Acts.

I believe this with all my heart and realize how real this is in our ministry. Springhill, God wants to change our cities. Willard, Pleasant Hope, Fair Grove, Springfield. Can you imagine what God is already doing among the people of our cities? All the change he wants to bring about, all the spiritual renewal and hope for those in darkness. God is at work, and we must get on board. If only for the one...

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