Monday, July 13, 2009

Great trip

Hey everyone! Hope things are going well back at home. We have had a great trip so far, full of excitement laughter and hard work. It started on sunday with everyone breaking into groups and canvasing the local homes with some great questions to find out some good information, as well as have personal contact and inform them of a church in this area. You have to understand that the builder of this community has made it a goal of his to "develop a community where people can escape the church." With that in mind here were the questions we asked each house that answered the door.

1) If you could name 2 of David Letterman's top ten reasons people don't attend church, what would they be?

2) Do you know any churches in the Green Valley Ranch area? If so, what are their names?

3) If you were to attend a church what would you look for?

You would be surprised at some of the answers and look for ward to sharing more with you as we come back.

Today we spent all day landscaping at a couples home here in the neighborhood. This couple runs an adoption agency and have adopted 6 chiuldren and have 3 adopted grandchildren. Our team did a great job and had a great spirit and attitude as they worked hard together. I am extremely proud of all of them. We also had a group go to a lady's house to do a garage reorganization and had a great time serving her and building a relationship with her. Please pray for Lana and that she would be open to the relationships with others fomr Hope Valley. God is obviously at work, and we are just beginning to see what all he has in store for us this week. Please keep praying and we look forward to hearing from you.


The Anderson Family said...

Looks like you are working hard - what a great outreach - thanks for the update.

~Mis-Wen~ said...

Glad you are "putting them to work!" Wouldn't want them to get a little spoiled while they are gone! Can't wait to here the awesome stories! Praying for the whole team!


Kylee Nicole said...

Hi Brian I'm on your blog right now! :)