Saturday, February 14, 2009

Leader or Loser?

What are some key traits or characteristics that make one man a leader while another man may be a loser? I have seen numerous examples of both in my life, and the biggest difference in many of them is how they think. A man's attitude governs or drives his actions. Here are eight differences between a leader and a loser.

1) A leader is always ready to tackle something new... a loser is prone to believe something new can't be done.

2) A leader isn't afraid of competition... a loser excuses himself, beliving the competition beat him out.

3) A leader knows he's sometimes worng and is willing to admit his mistakes... a loser can usually find someone to blame.

4) A leader is challenged by a new problem... a loser doesn't want to face problems.

5) A leader is decisive... a loser frustrates himself with indecision.

6) A leader realizes there is no time like the present to get a job done... a loser is prone to procrastination with the thope that things will take care of themselves.

7) A leader thinks positively... acts positively... and lives positively... a loser usually has a negative attitude and a negative approach to everything.

8) If you want to be a leader, think like a leader... act like a leader... and sooner than you think you will be a leader.

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