Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Over the past two days we have been discussing the role of leaders in preparing others to partner in the ministry. This has been one of the best conferences I have been to ever. The personal side of it (only 30 people) allows for great relationship building and lots of open communication. There are some other great aspects I have learned and am thankful for:

- True leadership is surprising and surprised at the same time.

- Leadership hinges on the relational connections within a ministry.

- People will follow those they trust, and those who love them.

- I need to give a little more freedom for leaders to run after what Jesus has called them to do.

- Doug Fields and Kurt Johnson (Saddleback youth pastors) are some of the most relational youth pastors I have seen from Mega Churches. They talk with everyone, remember your name and care about your ministry.

- I got to ride to lunch with Doug and four other guys, great conversation and thoughts on Jesus and leadership.

I have learned more from this Youth Ministry Summit than from any other conference. I continue to be amazed at the role relationships play in learning even among youth pastors. This has been a great journey and I long to see what God does in the youth ministry at Springhill and in my life as well. Thank you Jesus.

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