Saturday, September 20, 2008


Big Thanks to everyone who helped today at the Refuge. We are slowly getting there. We still have quite a bit of painting to get done, but ya'll did a great job today. For the rest of you who didn't show up, where the heck were ya? Kidding. The Refuge is looking great, and I can't wait to get things up and running. It will be looking pretty awesome.

Just a thought on the Refuge. Think about the numerous opportunities to use what God has blessed us with to make His name famous. Do your best to invite your friends. They can come expereinced the relaxed and casual atmosphere while also being challenged by the word of God. My prayer is that God will use each one of us to make a huge impact in the lives of those around us. Have your way oh God!


Kody said...

working and being worried the whole day...thanks for caring you jerk! lol just kidding its not your fault, no ones fault Im worried but o well...God is working in a big way with our Church (notice I used a capital...It means the people.)Can't wait to see the outcome!

Kody said...

likening the new decor Brian. Personally I would have gone with something that wasn't toilet paper, but I like the way you think Brian. way to think outside the box and tepee it yourself to keep others from tee peeing it first. Yeah we all know you did it and your just trying to blame it on us. And I went by your house it looks normal you lier!